
The balance between evaluation and approval
経営者ブログ · 2024/09/08
I am Yoshida, president of Yamada Shusei Ltd., a professional apparel garment repair group in Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture.In the 106th National High School Baseball Championship, Niigata Sangyo University High School, which represented Niigata Prefecture in the tournament for the first time, was eliminated in the second round. While I personally applaud the good performance of the ball players, as a manager it made me think about “the balance between evaluation and approval”.

経営者ブログ · 2024/09/07

August Challenge
経営者ブログ · 2024/09/06
I am Yoshida, president of Yamada Shusei Ltd., a professional apparel garment repair group in Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture.It has already been two years since I set forth a vision map and management philosophy in conjunction with my appointment as president, and the Create Division and Yoriito Division, which did not exist at that time, have been born.

経営者ブログ · 2024/09/05

Anzoff Growth Matrix
経営者ブログ · 2024/09/01
I am Yoshida, president of Yamada Shusei Ltd., a professional apparel garment repair group in Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture.One of the frameworks often used by management when considering growth strategies is Anzoff's Growth Matrix.I have known the concept for some time, but it has been very useful in sharing within the company the changes that have taken place over the past year and the direction that the company will take in the future.

経営者ブログ · 2024/08/30

Grandchild power is amazing!
経営者ブログ · 2024/08/28
I am Yoshida, president of Yamada Shusei Ltd., a professional apparel garment repair group in Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture.July 10 Daily Calendar Quote.My grandchild, who was five years old at the time when she returned home with my daughter, said to me on our way home.

経営者ブログ · 2024/08/27

My Favorite ④ Coin-operated laundromat for dogs「Blue Flag」
経営者ブログ · 2024/08/22
I am Yoshida, president of Yamada Shusei Ltd., a professional apparel garment repair group in Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture.BlueFlag, a laundromat for dogs, is located in Sanjo.

経営者ブログ · 2024/08/21
